Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jumping on the Blog Wagon

I’ve started a blog. Not because I’m bored or nerdy (debatable), but because after keeping a travel blog a few people have said I should try out writing. Since I’m not traveling to any exotic places these days here are the travels of my thoughts.***

*** I assume no responsibility for injuries caused from reading my blog. This includes injury from snorting beverages up your nose, or biting your tongue too hard to keep from laughing at work. Should injury occur, please blame your employer (for not keeping you busy enough, thus allowing free internet browsing time) or your cat (because cats can be scapegoats for almost anything except adultery: "Please understand, honey: the cat made me do it.") And if you don't have an employer OR a cat email me and I'll hook you up with either. But not both. Or a cat AS an employer. Why are you reading this? No one reads the fine print. Continue on, there are more interesting things to read.

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